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Quicklime price

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Quicklime price

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  • Date of release:2021/09/15
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Detailed introduction

Lime and limestone are widely used as building materials and are also important raw materials for many industries. Limestone from active lime manufacturers can be directly processed into stone and burned into quicklime. Lime includes quicklime and hydrated lime. The main component of quicklime is CaO, which is generally lumpy, pure white, and light gray or light yellow when it contains impurities. Quicklime becomes slaked lime by absorbing moisture or adding water. Slaked lime is also called slaked lime, and its main component is Ca(OH)2. The slaked lime is formulated into lime slurry, lime paste, lime mortar, etc., which are used as coating materials and brick adhesives. Soda ash is made from limestone, salt, ammonia and other raw materials through a multi-step reaction (Solvay method). Caustic soda is produced by the reaction of slaked lime and soda ash (causticizing method).

The address of this article:http://www.lytsll.cn/en/product/568.html

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