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hy did steelmaking choose to use active lime?

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hy did steelmaking choose to use active lime?

Date of release:2019-04-25 Author: Click:

With the continuous development of economic active lime, the competition in the steel market has become more and more fierce. Of course, the demand for steelmaking has also accelerated. In the steelmaking process, it can mainly play the role of slagging. Because active lime has high chemical purity and active chemical properties, it has a significant effect in steelmaking slag.

The reason why active lime is used instead of ordinary lime is that active lime has a good economic effect in steelmaking. It can quickly and completely dissolve with molten steel in a short time. The chemical properties of active lime and the ability to participate in the reaction It is relatively strong and contains less harmful impurities. Now it has been widely used in steelmaking. Next, I will sort out and list some specific functions of active lime in steelmaking in detail. That is to say, the advantages of using active lime. After reading it, you will know why you use active lime to participate in steelmaking.

Lime can be divided into quicklime and slaked lime. The main component of quicklime is calcium oxide (CaO), and the white solid is refractory to fire. Limestone with high content of (CaO) is calcined in a ventilated lime kiln to above 900°C. It is absorbent and can be used as a desiccant. It is commonly used in our country to prevent the regain of debris.

Active lime

Active lime

Lime is hardened by dry crystallization and carbonization. Activated lime manufacturers have low carbon dioxide content in the air, and the calcium carbonate hard shell formed after carbonization prevents carbon dioxide from penetrating into the interior and prevents moisture from evaporating outward, so the hardening is slow. The strength is not high. The 28-day compressive strength of 1:3 lime mortar is only 0.2-0.5 MPa. When in a humid environment, the water in the lime does not evaporate, carbon dioxide cannot penetrate, and the hardening will stop; plus calcium hydroxide is slightly soluble in water, and the hardened lime will dissolve and collapse when exposed to water. Therefore, lime should not be used in long-term humid and water-soaked environments.

During the hardening process, lime has to evaporate a large amount of water, causing significant volume shrinkage, and drying shrinkage cracks are prone to appear. Therefore, lime should not be used alone. Generally, it should be mixed with sand, paper tendons, hemp knives and other materials to reduce shrinkage, increase tensile strength, and save lime.

Lime has a strong alkalinity. The price of activated lime can react with glassy activated silica or activated alumina at room temperature to form a hydraulic product and cause cementation. Therefore, lime is also an important raw material in the building materials industry.

The address of this article:http://www.lytsll.cn/en/news/404.html

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